You Can Solve Your Problems Naturally
Yes, this is an "About Us'' page, but at UMZU we put you first. Even our name puts U first...
You Can Solve Your Problems Naturally
Yes, this is an "About Us'' page, but at UMZU we put you first. Even our name puts U first...
What does "umzu" stand for?
UMZU is a combination of two German terms "um" and "zu" which are used to link two clauses, meaning "in order to" in the English language. "Um" and "zu" are used to connect an action to an outcome.
At UMZU, we are dedicated to producing natural solutions to common problems that really work. We chose the name "UMZU" to remind ourselves and our customers that we are always connecting actions with real outcomes.
What is "umzu" all about?
At UMZU we look at health from a holistic perspective rather than the conventional way of reductionism. We believe that the human body is a self-healing organism that when supported correctly has the ability to not only heal itself but allow itself to thrive.
Instead of looking at symptoms and covering them with band-aids we go to the root cause of the issue and FIX the problem.
This is based on the metabolic theory of health. This philosophy states that energy creates order, and this order allows for structure to be created. When energy production throughout the system is functioning at its highest capacity the health of the organism is in a state that allows it to Thrive.
In this state of energetic abundance, the individual is able to live a life of abundance and manifest the life that he or she is meant to live.
From the perspective of the human body, this means alleviating micronutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances in order to allow energy production throughout the body to be at its highest possible capacity.
We believe that everyone has the ability to do this, they just lack the tools that are necessary to get there. We provide the knowledge and resources available to achieve this state of health and keep it to live the life that you are meant to live. You deserve to thrive.
Who is our founder - Christopher Walker?
Years ago a young neuroscience student, Christopher Walker, was diagnosed with a tumor on his pituitary gland.
The tumor caused Chris’s hormonal health to suffer a great deal. Doctors responded by trying different synthetic hormone solutions, but Chris held a strong belief that a natural solution - one without side effects - must exist...
Using all of the research tools available to him during his time at Duke University, Chris set off to find a natural hormone solution. He researched clinical studies and organized them in a way that, when systematically used together, ultimately cured him of his hormonal imbalances.
Chris later thought, “Well, if it helped me in this way, it might help other men too.” So he decided to publish his findings to help men across the world and build a trusted community of like-minded people following the path to natural hormonal health.
After some time, students of Chris began sending emails in to inquire about two things:
#1 - "Use Your Research to Create Better Supplements"
Although the organized research was helping people to take the right dosages of the ingredients they needed, it was still difficult for his readers to find these quality ingredients without fillers or other ingredients that negatively impacted the hormonal goals promised by other supplement companies.
#2 - "Help My Wife. Help My Kids. Expand Your Research."
The viewers of his material were experiencing personal success with their own hormonal health and were seeking similar research-backed information and supplements geared towards helping their wives, girlfriends, mothers, and daughters, so they too, could find a solution to the symptoms they were experiencing from hormonal imbalance.
Values that matter...
to you
Our mission is "You Deserve to Thrive." Helping everyone thrive isn't easy, so we have 5 core values when developing products that drive us each day to move forward:
- Research-Backed Products Only: Every product contains the clinical dosages of quality ingredients shown in studies to produce the benefits needed
- A Culture of Transparency: Keep "proprietary" formulas to an absolute minimum, so every customer knows what is going into his or her body
- Just the Facts: Steer clear of hype - only produce products based on established theories or facts
- A Complete Solution with Every Purchase: Strive to educate the customer with every purchase
- Reduce Customer Risk: Offer a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee on all purchases
What about the owl?
The owl is an ancient Greek symbol of Wisdom. Greek mythology states that owl sat on the blind side of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, so she could always see the whole Truth. We all have blind spots; we need the owl to remind us to see the truth - that there is always a Truth, a higher ideal to pursue.
Pericles, the renowned and respected statesman who ushered in the Golden Age of Athens in the 5th century, used the owl as his symbol. His rise to power was reluctant, but the people needed him, and he led them into the greatest time in the history of Greece - now known as the Classical Period of Greek history, still referenced as one of the greatest periods of prosperity in health, wealth, philosophy, and art in recorded human history.
What is the owl's name?
We're glad you asked! His name is Francis.
Francis the owl is named after Sir Francis Bacon, the Father of the Scientific Method.
Throughout his life, he contributed to the advancement of knowledge in countless areas, bringing the world out of the Dark Ages into the Enlightenment.
He relied not just upon his ideas, but upon empirical evidence for the validation of those ideas. His patron saint was the Truth. Sir Francis Bacon believed that science is the exploration of nature. And so do we. Science and nature are not at odds - as the modern medical machine would like you to think. In fact, one is the exploration of the language of the other.
Sir Francis Bacon’s devotion to the advancement of learning, to the pursuit of truth through scientific exploration of nature, has inspired us to mold our owl in his namesake.
Healthcare is at a crossroads. By mounting a journey towards natural health, you take a stand against a broken system and take your health back into your own hands.
Healthcare is at a crossroads. By mounting a journey towards natural health, you take a stand against a broken system and take your health back into your own hands.