Published in edited form on 5/9/2020
How to Prevent Hair Loss
Christopher Walker, Robert Walker, Jayton Miller and Zachery Siegel
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How Hair Growth Works:
Hair follicles require two things in order to produce hair - Carbon Dioxide and Glucose.
When your body is not producing enough Carbon Dioxide through glucose metabolism, hair follicles stop functioning.
The main idea here is that you need sugar for your hair to grow.
If you don't have enough collagen, you don't have enough hair
Collagen is the most abundant protein across the entire animal kingdom.
Without sufficient collagen protein the hair follicle does not have the structural components it needs to properly support the growth of hair.
Providing the body with these structural components is going to allow for the body to have the tools needed to grow strong, thick hair.
Hair growth requires the body be in a state of abundance - not survival
When your body is in a state of abundance with high protective hormones and low stress hormones it has the ability to focus on more than just survival. When testosterone and progesterone are adequate and the stress hormones are low the body begins to focus on growth and reproduction.
Hair growth requires a high-functioning thyroid gland
The thyroid is the key regulator of the metabolism.
When the thyroid is producing enough thyroid hormone the body is able to do two things:
- Produce an adequate amount of protective hormones
- Increase the amount of energy being produced within cells
This leads to a higher functioning hair follicle.
How Hair Loss Works:
Too much estrogen is the root cause of hair loss
When you look at studies of hair loss for both men and women, there is one thing in common...
Those who suffer from hair loss have high estrogen levels.
When you dig into the results of elevated estrogen, it becomes very clear why hair loss happens:
- Too much estrogen causes improper allocation of blood glucose
- Estrogen and Testosterone are opposites. When one is high, the other is low.
- Estrogen blocks production of thyroid hormones T3 and T4
Hair requires nutrients. If you are deficient in key micronutrients, hair cannot sustain itself
If your body is deficient in key micronutrients it is not going to have the raw materials that it needs in order to allow for optimal hormonal production and energy production to take place.
This is going to lead to less energy production in the hair follicle to support the growth and retention of strong, thick hair.
Stress will make your hair fall out
When your body is in a state of excessive stress it begins to degrade the production of protective hormones like testosterone and progesterone.
This lack of protective hormones and excess of stress hormones redirects the body's focus on survival rather than growth leading to poor hair loss.
With a poorly functioning thyroid gland, hair will stop growing and die
Without adequate thyroid hormone the glucose metabolism will not function optimally.
With the deficiency of thyroid hormone for the glucose metabolism the hair follicle will not have a sufficient production of energy or Carbon Dioxide to properly support hair growth.
How to Prevent Hair Loss:
Methylate estrogen
Those who suffer from hair loss have high estrogen levels.
Methylating, or inactivating the estrogen so that it can be passed from the body is going to be extremely important in optimizing hair growth and energy production in the hair follicle.
- Eliminate Xeno-estroegens and Phytoestrogens - These are the estrogenic compounds that are found within certain types of food and personal care items that can increase the estrogen load in the body. By avoiding these you give the body less estrogen to deal with and allow it to metabolize the estrogen it is already overloaded with.
- Supplement with Betaine HCL and Choline - The compounds can donate a methyl group to the estrogen molecule rendering it inactivate so it can be excreted from the body.
- Supplement with Boron - Boron is a trace mineral that can help lower the amount of free estrogen in the body not allowing it to attach to the estrogen receptors and take action.
Decrease stress
Excess mental, physical, and dietary stress can all have a massive impact on the amount of stress hormones that are in the body.
Eliminating these stressors is going to decrease stress hormones and allow protective hormones to rise.
- Avoid endurance training and excessive strenuous exercise - Resistance training is one of the best things that can be done to allow for favorable epigenetic expression to take place and increase the resiliency of the body, however it can be overdone and have a negating effect on the body. Endurance training has also been shown to dramatically increase stress hormones and disrupt the metabolic rate. Avoiding overtraining and excessive endurance training can make a massive impact in eliminating stress hormones and allowing protective hormones to rise.
- Getting rid of dietary stressors like grains, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and phytoestrogens help to eliminate the amount of digestive distress that we place on the body.
- Meditation or doing something that allows for the calming of the mind is going to make a massive impact on hormonal parameters in the body as the body does not have the ability to tell the difference between a stress in the mind and a stress in the real world. Eliminating toxic relationships, finding new hobbies, and getting plenty of sleep can dramatically increase the protective hormones in the body and decrease stress hormones.
Increase testosterone and progesterone levels
Taking steps to increase the protective hormones in the body is going to allow for the body to enter into a state of abundance and focus on growth and reproduction rather than survival.
Some of the most effective ways to increase testosterone and progesterone are:
- Eat a diet devoid of processed foods and anti-nutrients
- Resistance Train
- Get Outside and Get Sunlight
- Correct Nutrient Deficiencies
- Have Good Sex
- Sleep Well
Increase metabolic rate
The Metabolism is the sum of all chemical processes that take place within the organism.
If we can take steps to allow these processes to happen at a quicker rate and increase the energy production within the system we can increase the amount of available energy to the hair follicles and grow beautiful strong and thick hair.
Some of the best ways to increase the metabolic rate are:
- Eat a diet devoid of processed foods and anti-nutrients
- Resistance Train
- Get Outside and Get Sunlight
- Correct Nutrient Deficiencies
- Have Good Sex
- Sleep Well
You will notice these are the same as increasing the protective hormones. The interplay here is dramatic and when you begin to increase the metabolic rate you begin to increase the protective hormones and decrease the stress hormones.
How to Grow More Hair:
Try the Thermo Diet
The Thermo Diet is built upon the idea that the body is a self healing organism and when given the raw materials it needs to function optimally (ie vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs, and fat) it can heal with time.
By correcting micronutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances the Thermo Diet is most effective way to eat in order to allow the body to produce as much energy as possible allowing for optimal hormonal status and thus hair growth.
Resistance train
Resistance training is one of the most beneficial things we can do for more favorable epigenetic expression of the human body.
Resistance training has been shown to significantly cut down on more types of diseases and age related ailments than any other type of training known to man.
In terms of optimizing the hormonal environment as long we do not over stress the body with excessive resistance training and train in a way that favors protective hormones we can enhance the hormonal environment of the body.
Get some sun
The cells of the human body respond to different spectrums of light, and sunlight is one of the most beneficial forms of light that we are able to take advantage of.
Sunlight helps promote the healing of the body by increasing the rate at which energy is produced in the cell.
Exposing the scalp to sunlight as well as red light for 30-60 minutes a day is going to help increase energy production within the hair follicle.
Get some good sleep
Sleep is the most regenerative process that the human body has. If we are not getting adequate quality or quantity of sleep our body goes into disarray and our ability to mitigate stress hormones is hindered and the body's ability to produce energy is down regulated to a significant degree.
Getting in around 8-9 hours of good deep sleep is one of the most impactful things we can do to retain and grown as much hair as possible.
Featured Studies:
The hair follicle requires glucose to function
The hair follicle requires glucose to metabolically function and actually grow hair.
Hair follicles are already inefficient organs, however in the absence of readily available glucose, they become extremely poor. Hair follicles require oxygen and fuel from either glucose, fructose, or pyruvate for hair to grow.
Stress degrades hair growth
The stress hormone cortisol, is known to affect the function and cyclic regulation of the hair follicle leading to a degradation of the growth of hair.
When your body is not producing enough Carbon Dioxide through glucose metabolism, hair follicles stop functioning.
The main idea here is that you need sugar for your hair to grow.
When your body is not producing enough Carbon Dioxide through glucose metabolism, hair follicles stop functioning.
The main idea here is that you need sugar for your hair to grow.
Products for Hair Loss:

Ultimate Hair Restoration Stack + Thermo Diet Program + Thermo Chef Cookbook
Tired of dealing with hair loss? If you're serious about giving your body all of the nutrients it needs to support natural hair growth and restore your full head of hair to its former glory, this is the perfect stack for you.
The Ultimate Hair Restoration Stack includes:
- zuCollagen Protein: Take 1-2 scoops daily in your smoothies, coffee, or add to your favorite recipes. The amino acids in zuCollagen support thicker hair growth and healthy hair follicles.
- Thyrite: Take one dose per day to help restore healthy thyroid gland functioning. Your thyroid gland plays a huge role in hair loss and hair regrowth. Support it with the right trace minerals and herbs in Thyrite.
- Vitamin D3: D3 is one of the most common deficiencies for people. Restore your Vitamin D3 levels to rebalance the key hormones involved in hair growth.
- Choline: Methylate excess estrogen quickly by taking 1-2g of choline per day. Choline deficiency causes hair loss by compromising your liver function. Get rid of all that estrogen fast.
- Betaine HCl: Another potent estrogen methylator, betaine also helps restore your gut health so you can absorb more nutrients from the food you eat and prevent deficiencies.
- Cortigon: Keep stress hormones low and restore hormonal balance with Cortigon. The added brain boost also keeps you feeling focused all day long.
Your Price:
Only $26.21 with Member Pricing (25% OFF through 5/8 🎉)
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Tired of dealing with hair loss? If you're serious about giving your body all of the nutrients it needs to support natural hair growth and restore your full head of hair to its former glory, this is the perfect stack for you.
The Ultimate Hair Restoration Stack includes:
- zuCollagen Protein: Take 1-2 scoops daily in your smoothies, coffee, or add to your favorite recipes. The amino acids in zuCollagen support thicker hair growth and healthy hair follicles.
- Thyrite: Take one dose per day to help restore healthy thyroid gland functioning. Your thyroid gland plays a huge role in hair loss and hair regrowth. Support it with the right trace minerals and herbs in Thyrite.
- Vitamin D3: D3 is one of the most common deficiencies for people. Restore your Vitamin D3 levels to rebalance the key hormones involved in hair growth.
- Choline: Methylate excess estrogen quickly by taking 1-2g of choline per day. Choline deficiency causes hair loss by compromising your liver function. Get rid of all that estrogen fast.
- Betaine HCl: Another potent estrogen methylator, betaine also helps restore your gut health so you can absorb more nutrients from the food you eat and prevent deficiencies.
- Cortigon: Keep stress hormones low and restore hormonal balance with Cortigon. The added brain boost also keeps you feeling focused all day long.