In this groundbreaking documentary series, Christopher Walker and the UMZU team expose the most notorious myths and secrets about testosterone, men's health, and exactly what you need to do to take your manhood back - safely, quickly, and naturally.
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✔️ The Dark Side of TRT
Since the invention of hormone replacement therapy, these pharmaceutical sales have skyrocketed to billions of dollars per year. But is it really as safe as they say it is? The science and serious side effects would suggest otherwise...
✔️ TRT Risks and Safety Concerns
Research demonstrates that pharmaceutical "replacement therapies" may cause more harm than doctors initially thought. With serious prostate issues, hair loss, estrogen dominance, and deficiencies on the rise, men are starting to question everything...
✔️ What ACTUALLY Causes Your Low T
The mainstream narrative about low T is horribly flawed, but cannot be openly questioned by the medical community without risking "excommunication from the Church of Science." Arm yourself with the true knowledge about what actually causes low T in men, and how you can reverse this issue quickly, safely, & naturally.
✔️ Chemicals That Are Stripping Your Masculinity
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are in everything these days... from food packaging, to personal care products, and even in sales receipts! This docuseries exposes them, so you can lower your exposure to these estrogenic nightmare toxins.
✔️ "Health Foods" That Skyrocket Your Estrogen
Health experts tell you ad nauseam these specific foods are healthy... but scientific research tells a very different story. Learn which T-killing foods you should start avoiding today. It's time to purge the pantry!
Don't miss out. Register here now.
In this groundbreaking documentary series, Christopher Walker and the UMZU team expose the most notorious myths and secrets about testosterone, men's health, and exactly what you need to do to take your manhood back - safely, quickly, and naturally.