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Nature Calls
You were built to poo! When things aren't moving, poor diet is often to blame. Never fear! zuPOO is here.
This natural cleansing supplement helps you to have easier, more satisfying eliminations,
which makes for a healthier and happier life.
3 Easy Steps!
The best poop of your life, guaranteed
A natural remedy
Colon blockage isn't just uncomfortable—it can cause serious health problems. Constipation, bloating, and
hemorrhoids are significantly less prevalent in countries where diets are based around whole, natural foods.
6 Natural Ingredients to Flush You Out
Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is a natural gentle laxative. For anyone that suffers from constipation, cascara sagrada can offer some genuine natural relief. It has also been shown to aid hemorrhoid healing, to kill bad bacteria in the gut while maintaining good bacteria, and to have some incredible anti-inflammation effects on the gut and intestines, keeping your immune system strong and good probiotic bacteria thriving.
Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay works to draw-out toxins from the body in a gentle natural way. It pulls these toxins from your gut and intestines and passes them out with your regular fecal matter. It also contains a ton of beneficial nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium.
Aloe Ferox
Aloe ferox is most notable for its colon cleansing benefits. As a natural laxative and colon cleanser, it is considered the strongest of the colon stimulating herbs. A 2004 study looking into the effects of Aloe ferox on irritable bowel syndrome found that 30% of the participants on the aloe showed either clinical remission or improvement. Only 1% of participants on the placebo exhibited the same results. Based on this study, it is thought that taking aloe for four weeks could reduce symptoms of IBS.
Milk Thistle
As a liver support and liver aid, milk thistle is a powerful detoxifier. It helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. Milk thistle is effective at naturally reversing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, pesticides in our food supply, heavy metals in our water supply, pollution in the air that we breathe and even poisons!
Cayenne Pepper Extract
Cayenne pepper has a hugely positive effect on the digestive system. Cayenne pepper helps produce saliva, which is important for good digestion as well as alleviating bad breath. It also stimulates the flow of enzyme production, which is essential for our digestive system to work properly. Cayenne pepper also stimulates gastric juices that aid the body’s ability to metabolize food and toxins.
Slippery Elm Extract
Subjects who took Slippery Elm experienced a 20 percent increase in bowel movement frequency and significant reductions in straining, abdominal pain, bloating and global IBS symptom severity, as well as improvements in stool consistency. Since slippery elm has the ability to improve digestion, this process can aid in weight loss.
Purge and Purify Your Insides
Choose Your "Poo Pack" Below to Get Started:
Gut Health Bundle
Cleansing the colon is the first step in the journey towards better gut health. After your cleanse, fill your gut with probiotic bacteria from Floracil50 and feed your new good bacteria with zuACV+Prebiotics.
75 Servings
15% OFF Auto-Delivery
SAVE $16.49

Is zuPOO safe?
zuPOO uses natural ingredients to safely cleanse the body from the inside out. You can expect your "excretions" to be much larger and bulkier than normal. zuPOO is considered a natural laxative, without the watery or diarrhea effects.
Will zuPOO give me diarrhea?
zuPOO should not give you diarrhea. It usually gives customers more frequent bowel movements that are "bulkier" than usual. This is your body excreting built up waste trapped inside your intestines.
Is it true that zuPOO can help trim my waist?
Absolutely! Most of our customers see an almost immediate flattening of the stomach due to excreting built up waste and decreasing bloating and water retention.
How long should I take zuPOO?
We recommend taking zuPOO for 15 days at a time once every 3 months.
Does zuPOO help remove toxins?
It is commonly believed that the body is carrying between 5-20 pounds of excess waste in your intestines at all times. All of the toxins that you may encounter from food, water, or the environment can get build up and helping excrete them faster is important in our opinion to keep the body at peak performance.
Will I feel better mentally and physically after taking zuPOO?
Absolutely! zuPOO helps remove toxins and build up from the body naturally. Your gut health is extremely important and is where the majority of your immune system cells and neurotransmitters are made. When you improve gut health, you can expect to feel SUBSTANTIALLY better physically and mentally. You should feel sharper, less fatigues, and an overall sense of improved wellbeing throughout the day.
Does zuPOO help improve digestion? If so, is it just while I'm taking it?
zuPOO does improve digestion substantially. You will notice more frequent bowel movements while taking it and much more regular bowel movements for up to 2 weeks after. zuPOO gives your body the extra push to get all of the "junk" and "build up" out of your intestines.
Can I stack zuPOO with other products?
We recommend stacking zuPOO with other products! It's a great addition to any gut health product - including Floracil50 Probiotic, zuACV, and zuENZYMES.