It's Time For a Flush.
Don't Worry. It's UMZU.
All UMZU products are backed by the research, time and care needed to produce a supplement that really works.
zuPOO was developed by top natural chemists, led by Christopher Walker, founder of UMZU and the first person to graduate from Duke University in 3 years with a Neuroscience degree.
This potent blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs and barks has one purpose and one purpose only - to flush toxic waste out of your system.
Studies show that an average person is carrying waste from the last 8 meals. What have you eaten in the last 8 meals? How long do you want that in your system? Customers who take zuPOO typically experience a large passing of waste within 12-48 hours. Take zuPOO for a full 15 day cycle for a full flush of your gut.
Don't Worry. It's UMZU.
All UMZU products are backed by the research, time and care needed to produce a supplement that really works.
zuPOO was developed by top natural chemists, led by Christopher Walker, founder of UMZU and the first person to graduate from Duke University in 3 years with a Neuroscience degree.
This potent blend of vitamins, minerals, herbs and barks has one purpose and one purpose only - to flush toxic waste out of your system.
Studies show that an average person is carrying waste from the last 8 meals. What have you eaten in the last 8 meals? How long do you want that in your system? Customers who take zuPOO typically experience a large passing of waste within 12-48 hours. Take zuPOO for a full 15 day cycle for a full flush of your gut.
6 Natural Ingredients to Flush You Out
1. Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is a natural gentle laxative. For anyone that suffers from constipation, cascara sagrada can offer some genuine natural relief. It has also been shown to aid hemorrhoid healing, to kill bad bacteria in the gut while maintaining good bacteria, and to have some incredible anti-inflammation effects on the gut and intestines, keeping your immune system strong and good probiotic bacteria thriving.
2. Bentonite Clay
Bentonite clay works to draw-out toxins from the body in a gentle natural way. It pulls these toxins from your gut and intestines and passes them out with your regular fecal matter. It also contains a ton of beneficial nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron, and potassium.
3. Aloe Ferox
Aloe ferox is most notable for its colon cleansing benefits. As a natural laxative and colon cleanser, it is considered the strongest of the colon stimulating herbs. A 2004 study looking into the effects of Aloe ferox on irritable bowel syndrome found that 30% of the participants on the aloe showed either clinical remission or improvement. Only 1% of participants on the placebo exhibited the same results. Based on this study, it is thought that taking aloe for four weeks could reduce symptoms of IBS.
4. Milk Thistle
As a liver support and liver aid, milk thistle is a powerful detoxifier. It helps rebuild liver cells while removing toxins from the body that are processed through the liver. Milk thistle is effective at naturally reversing the harmful effects of alcohol consumption, pesticides in our food supply, heavy metals in our water supply, pollution in the air that we breathe and even poisons!
5. Cayenne Pepper Extract
Cayenne pepper has a hugely positive effect on the digestive system. Cayenne pepper helps produce saliva, which is important for good digestion as well as alleviating bad breath. It also stimulates the flow of enzyme production, which is essential for our digestive system to work properly. Cayenne pepper also stimulates gastric juices that aid the body’s ability to metabolize food and toxins.
6. Slippery Elm Extract
Subjects who took Slippery Elm experienced a 20 percent increase in bowel movement frequency and significant reductions in straining, abdominal pain, bloating and global IBS symptom severity, as well as improvements in stool consistency. Since slippery elm has the ability to improve digestion, this process can aid in weight loss.
How to Use zuPOO:
- Take 1 capsule in the evening before going to bed
- You may notice a buildup of gas over the following 12-24 hours before release
- In 12-48 hours, expect a flushing of waste
- Continue supplementing before bed for a full 15 days for a complete flush of the digestive system
Featured Reviews for zuPOO:
You might s*** yourself
This stuff works so well, it should come with a disclaimer and require a signature of consent before customers purchase it. All I can say is you better invest in a family pack of some high-quality toilet paper before you start taking this. Seriously, you are not ready for what is about to come out of you... The first 24 hours are the worst... DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, chance any farts in public for ANY reason, I don't care how bad your stomach is growling. You will **** your pants. Absolutely do not plan on going out on any dates until you have finished your cleansing cycle, there will be no second date. Also, if you choose to look at what you have created after you have expelled what has been sitting in your body for so long, you will have nightmares. Just flush and rush, do not investigate. But yeah, it works. You'll drop a few pounds and feel way leaner.
- Benjamin, Verified Buyer
The Whale
Ahoy matey, it's my 3rd day of this 15 day voyage. "How intense could this be?" I asked, while awaiting orders on the **** deck, not knowing **** was a slumber away. By the dawn me arsehole responded "Thar she blows!" Not jusy any old scalawag can tell ye the stories I've seen at sea. Ahab hath seen nothing in comparison to the evasive brown whale. "YARG!" I belched while my belly chums the waters. The Pooquod was not equiped for such volatile movements! Toiletrie supplies are running low and me booty hole hath endured many a wave lad; this may be the last time I write. I'm penning this strapped to the porcelain crows nest, the old Bermuda Traingle screams sea shanties that echo off this porcelain tub. SAVE OUR SHIP! NAY, WE PUSH ON THROUGH WHATEVER WAVES CTHULHU CAN MUSTER! If this old salty dog don't make it, tell them I give Zupoo 5 stars for giving me a proper captains whirlpool.
- Eyrn A., Verified Buyer
Holy s***... literally!
The day after I took my first dose I was in the bathroom 8 times. This stuff will clear you out! BUT I never had any stomach pain or discomfort at all. I was consistently going at least 4 or 5 times a day the entire time I was on the supplement which was a little inconvenient given that I'm a teacher but hey I don't care! I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks! Great stuff!
- Ryan W., Verified Buyer
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